Misdirected Email
March 22, 2022 – Notice to Regina Public Schools Families:
Due to a technical error, school families may have received one or several emails from donotreply@rbe.sk.ca
Please disregard these emails.
March 22, 2022 – Notice to Regina Public Schools Families:
Due to a technical error, school families may have received one or several emails from donotreply@rbe.sk.ca
Please disregard these emails.
We are now taking registration forms for Kindergarten. Please click here for a registration form.
October 7, 2021 -- Our school families recieved information earlier this week about COVID-19 and children. This letter indicated that self-testing kits were available for families at home. At this time, we have small supply at school. If you would like to request a kit, please email mjcoldell@rbe.sk.ca and we will contac
The Saskatchewan Health Authority will be working with school divisions to offer COVID-19 vaccinations for students born in 2009 or who are older. This information was also sent home with students. The consent form will accompany you when visiting a vaccination clinic and does not need to be returned to the school.
Here are the student supply lists for the 2022-2023 school year. Please click on the link.
M.J. Coldwell School is pleased to honour and acknowledge the relationship evoked through treaty by permanently raising the Treaty 4 flag in front of our school.
This flag raising is significant in bringing education, awareness and mutual respect in our Treaty relationships.
MJ Coldwell has a TWITTER handle. Follow us @school_mj for updates and information.
April 3, 2020 -- This week, students, parents and caregivers will receive an electronic copy of the Students and Families Supplemental Learning Plan from their schools. Here is an updated version!
103 Fairview Road
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4R 0A6
Email: mjcoldwell@rbe.sk.ca
Phone: (306) 791-8563
Fax: (306) 523-3031