Dear Parents and Guardians,
More than ever before, we have come to rely on digital platforms to connect people in a world that recently demanded social and physical distancing. We also know that learning to navigate and be socially responsible on these platforms can be complicated.
With this in mind, we are witnessing an increase in inappropriate online behaviors outside school hours. This includes text messaging, social media, and video game applications. It would be fair to expect that these behaviors often spill into daily interactions in the school and community.
We have invited School Resource Officer, Constable Cole Lawson, to prepare a presentation and speak with Grade 4-8 students about this very topic. We know it is complicated to resolve inappropriate interactions that exist online; however, we are certainly going to do our best to respond in a way that benefits our students.
We appreciate your support with taking these conversations further with your children. Safe and appropriate digital citizenship is a natural conversation to have with children today.
In doing this, we hope to stay true to our school’s vision where every student counts, every moment matters, and every success celebrated.
Thank you.
Grant Urban
MJ Coldwell School